Learning Materials-Upload PDF / Files
Choose to add a PDF / file
Select PDF or file from the Add Learning Element button located at the bottom of the page, and select the file to upload from the explorer.
Check upload progress
You will be switched to the PDF / File Registration window and the upload progress will be displayed at the top.
You should keep the window open until the upload is complete.
When the upload is complete, the progress bar at the top displays 100%.
Check and modify options such as content information input / learning period
Enter the title and content of the content, set the score, how grades are displayed, and the period of study recognition.
The title first displays the file name as the default title, which you can change.
After finishing the settings, select Save & Discard or click the Save button to save the information.
Save & Open: Save the settings and open to learners immediately.
Save: Save your settings, but do not change the visibility. (Public and private conversions can be set later.)