Using the Dashboard-View Courses / Recent Activity / Tasks
View Dashboard
The Dashboard is your landing page in LearningX. Depending on your institution, your Dashboard may default to one of two views: Card View or Recent Activity View.
Card View
: displays course cards for quick access to all your favorite courses (the same courses display in the Courses link from the Global Navigation Menu)
Recent Activity View:
displays all recent activity for all courses
View Global Announcement
The Dashboard may also include global announcements, which are announcements created by your institution. To remove the announcement from your dashboard, click the Remove icon.
View Dismissed Announcement
If you dismiss a global announcement, you can view dismissed announcements on the Global Announcements page.
Change Dashboard View
To change your Dashboard view, click the Options menu and select your preferred viewing option.
View Sidebar Course Items
The sidebar shows various action items in all your courses. Each item is associated with a specific course. All items from all your active courses display in the sidebar—not just favorited courses in the Dashboard.
For course identification, each sidebar item displays the course code, or short name, for the course [1]. The course code is located directly below the full course name.
Course nicknames can be set in place of sidebar course codes that are long or otherwise confusing to remember which courses they represent. If you have created a nickname for a course, the nickname displays in the sidebar instead of the course code [2]. However, the original course code always displays in the course card.
View Instructor Sections
The sidebar helps you manage grading in all of your courses. However, assignments that are not graded or do not require an online submission only display until the due date.
The To Do section shows all items that require grading in LearningX, regardless of due date [1]. Each item in the To Do list displays the assignment name, the course name, the number of points, and the due date for the assignment. Some assignments may display multiple due dates.
The Coming Up section shows assignments and events coming due in the next seven days [2]. Items can include ungraded quizzes and assignments that do not require a submission, though these assignment types do not display in the To Do grading list for instructors. Some items may display multiple due dates. The Coming Up section displays up to 20 items ordered according to date.
If your LearningX admin has granted you permission to create courses, you may see the Start a New Course button [3], which would allow you to create a new LearningX Course.
The View Grades button links to the Dashboard Grades page and displays the overall grade average for all your active courses [4].
Manage Sidebar Items
Each section item indicates how many items need to be graded [1].
If a section contains more items than are listed, a link will appear under the list that you can use to view all to-do items [2].
The To Do section shows up to seven items with due dates in the upcoming weeks. To view more items, you must manually remove items from the list. To remove a To Do item, click the remove icon [3].
Note: When an item is removed, the item can only be restored to the To Do section if a new submission is received for that assignment.