02. Create a group set and organize members
Open People
In Course Navigation, click the People link.
Add Group Set
Click the Add Group Set button.
Save Group Set
Name the new group by typing it in the Group Set Name field [1].
You can allow self sign-ups by selecting the Allow self sign-up checkbox [2].
You can automatically split the groups in a number of equal groups by clicking the Split students into [number] groups radio button [3] and then typing the number of groups in the dialog box.
You can manually create the groups by clicking on the I'll create groups manually radio button [4].
Click the Save button [5].
- Except when creating groups manually, you can automatically set student group leaders.
- The Require group members to be in the same section option is available in self sign-up and automatically created groups.
- The maximum number of groups that Canvas can create for an automatically assigned group set is 200. If you ask Canvas to create more than 200 groups, it will only create 200.
View Group Set
View the group set you created.
Manually Assign via Drag and Drop
In the Unassigned Students section, find the student you want to add to a group [1]. Click the student's name and drag it to the group [2].
Manually Assign via Add Icon
You can also click the student name Add icon [1] and select the group name [2].
View Groups
Canvas will update the member count for that group to show the student has been added [1].
Continue to manually add students to groups until all students have been added.
To expand the group and view all group members, click the arrow icon next to the group name [2].
You can also move students between groups if necessary.