

If the assignment is presented as a study element for each Week Section in the lecture contents menu, the assignment must be submitted within the specified time limit.

Open assignment

Go to the assignment screen by selecting the learning item for the assignment type from the Course Content menu.

Check assignment submission requirements and descriptions

At the top of the assignment page, you'll find basic requirements and descriptions, including submission deadlines, viewing periods, points, and submission types.


Submit an assignment

To  submit an assignment, either click the Submit an Assignment button to Go to submit  the assignment.

Note: If you don't see the Submit an Assignment button, your instructor might not be able to submit your assignment online or it's not available because it's not available.

Upload submission file and submit assignment

Select File Upload a file to submit.

If your assignment requires your instructor to submit in other formats, submit text or enter a website URL, depending on your submission type requirements.

After you have uploaded or created an assignment submission of the type you specified , click the Submit assignment button when you are ready to submit .  

View submitted results


After you submit your assignment, you will see information about your submission [1] at the bottom.

For file uploads, provide a link to the submission so you can download it again if needed.

If your instructor has allowed you to resubmit, you can resubmit your revised assignment submission using the Resubmit button [2]. 

The learner himself can only see the details that were most recently submitted, but the instructor can see all submissions, including previously submitted versions.

When an instructor grades a submission, the badge shows the number of graded assignments on the grade link in the subject menu.

You can also view details about the assignment and see links to additional feedback on your grades page.

Note :

  • The assignment will still appear in the list of assignments, even if your submission is complete.

  • When you resubmit your assignment, you will be able to see only the most recently submitted materials. However, instructors can see all submissions, including previous ones.



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