Grading one quiz question at a time in SpeedGrader
Open Quizzes
In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Open Quiz
Click the name of the quiz you want to open.
Open SpeedGrader
In the Sidebar, click the SpeedGrader link.
Open SpeedGrader Options
To enable question grading, click the SpeedGrader settings icon [1] and select Options from the drop-down menu [2].
Select Grade by Question
Select the Grade by question (beta) checkbox.
Select Questions
If a question needs to be manually graded, you can click the question number directly within the notification window.
Note: When hovering over any box in the number bar, the box will temporarily fill with a light gray color to indicate which quiz number you want to select.
Assign Grade
To assign a grade for a question or to revise the grade for an automatically graded question, enter the score in the points field [1], then click the Update Scores button [2].
Note: You may also enter fudge points to adjust a student's score for an entire quiz.
Advance to Next Student
To grade a student submission for the same question, click the arrow in the student menu [1] or click the drop-down menu and select a student from the student list [2].
SpeedGrader will show the same quiz question for the next student.