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The calendar also includes access to the Scheduler, which is an optional scheduling tool in this LMS.

Open Calendar

Open CalendarImage Modified
In Global Navigation, click the Calendar the Calendar link.

View Calendar

 View Calendar
The Calendar spans all courses and displays information for each of your enrolled courses and groups.
In the navigation bar, you can choose to view the calendar in Week, Month, or Agenda view [1].
The view you choose dictates the style of the calendar window [2].
By default, the calendar appears in Month view.The sidebar shows a quick-view calendar [3], your list of courses and groups, and undated items for your courses and groups.
To view the iCal link for exporting your LMS calendar to other calendar apps, click the Calendar Feed link [4].

Add Calendar Items

Add Calendar Items

Each calendar view shows any assignments, events, or to-do items that have been added to the calendar.

Events can be added at any time in the navigation bar by clicking the Add button.

You can add assignments and add course events, and all users can add personal events.

If your institution is using the Scheduler tool, you can also create Scheduler appointment groups.


View Undated Events List

View Undated Events List

Expanding the Undated items link will show you a list of events and assignments that are not dated.

The assignments and events will be differentiated by icons and by the personal, course, or group calendar color.

You can assign due dates to undated items by dragging and dropping them into the Calendar.

View Calendar by Month

View Calendar by MonthImage Modified

In month view, click the arrow buttons [1] to move from month to month. To view events for the current date, click theTodaybutton [2].To view a specific date, click the month link [3] and type a date in the date field [4] or select a date from the calendar [5].

View Assignments and Events

 View Assignments and EventsImage Modified

Assignments are shown with an icon next to the assignment title.


The icon reflects the assignment type: Discussion [1], Assignment [2], Quiz [3], or Events [4].

Non-graded items with a to-do date also display in the calendar for a course [5].


Each item on the calendar is color-coded to match the courses or calendars in the sidebar.

To view full details for an assignment or event, hover over the item [6].


Calendar assignments can also be crossed out [7], which is a simple way to keep track of assignments.


Assignments are crossed out when the due date has passed and all submissions have been graded.

View All-Day Events

 View All-Day Events

All-day events display the Events icon and do not include a specific event time [1].

If you want to extend an all-day event across multiple days, hover over the edge of the event until you see a black arrow [2].

Drag your event across all required dates in the current month.
